When you own an older car, having a car repair person you can trust is essential. And when that person is also knowledgeable, fair, and reasonable, you’re golden. Bob keeps my 7-year old CX-9 and my son’s 11-year old Avalanche in tip-top shape, without breaking the bank. I refer him to all my friends, and they refer him to theirs. Don’t waste your time and money at other car repair
places. Just go to Bob.

Custom Fabrication

In addition to general auto repair, Bob’s Auto Repair also provides expert custom automotive fabrication. We are capable of creating custom mounts to showcase your engine or custom exhaust systems to enhance the look and performance of your vehicle.

Our Custom Automotive Fabrication Services Include:

  • Custom engine mounting
  • Custom exhaust work
  • Engine performance upgrades

We are also capable of performing basic body work on your vehicle.